
Get ahead on your future with AI flashcards.

Get Started


Smart Flashcard Generation

Leverage AI to automatically create flashcards tailored to your learning pace and style, ensuring that you focus on the most important concepts for your college prep.

Interactive Study Tools

Engage with dynamic study modes, including quizzes, memory games, and spaced repetition, designed to reinforce learning and help you retain information more effectively.

Personalized Learning Insights

Track your progress with detailed analytics and receive personalized recommendations to strengthen weak areas, giving you a clear path to academic success.


Basic Plan


  per month

Access a limited number of flashcards per month generated by our AI.
Study with flashcards for essential subjects like Math, Science, and English.
Monitor your learning progress with basic analytics.
Choose Basic

Pro Plan


  per month

Create and use an unlimited number of AI-generated flashcards
Get access to all subjects, including advanced topics and elective courses.
Create your own flashcards and use additional study tools like memory games and quizzes.